Finner ingenting om Champangesmaking, hvor ligger det? Under events får jeg bare opp melodifestivalen og Zurich turen
Discover how we upgrade our aircrafts - join us for a trip behind the scenes. Are you crazy about airplanes? If yes, join us for this unique and exciting trip to the hangar in Zürich from May 12 to 13, 2016. The upgrades of the interior and onboard services on SAS long-haul flights is an ongoing process and now you and a travel partner get the special opportunity to see how we are working on creating world-class comfort onboard our flights. SAS invites you to this event in cooperation with our partners AVIS and Radisson Blu. During the stay you will get the chance to visit the heart of European airplane production and to explore a SAS A340-300 aircraft (Reg.OY-KBC) in the middle of its upgrade. The Airbus A340-300 is a four-engine widebody aircraft and is used on our long-haul flights to USA and Asia. In addition, you get the opportunity to visit the engine shop, where the disassembly and assembly of engines take place, as well as the area where seats and composites are being repaired. There will also be time to look at other airplanes in the hangar. We will be staying at the elegant Radisson Blu Hotel, Zürich airport, just steps from the airport terminal and only 1 km from the hangar. Here we will get a lecture by our very experienced SAS Captain and A340 instructor, Jørgen Bue, before we enjoy a great dinner together. Jørgen Bue will be joining us throughout the entire day so you will have plenty of time to ask him all the questions you might have. He is very happy to answer. There are two payment options for this unique trip: 25000 Points + 4495 NOK per person or 70000 Points + 2495 NOK per person Your choice! Both payment options include flights (SAS PLUS) between Oslo and Zürich, hotel incl. breakfast (single rooms), lunch and dinner Thursday, hangar visit, lecture by Jørgen Bue, as well as transportation to/from all activities included in the program. Program Thursday, May 12 Individual arrival and check-in at OSL 10:45 Departure from Oslo to Zürich 13:00 Arrival at Zürich Airport - we walk over to Radisson Blu and drop off our luggage 14:30 Transport from hotel to the hangar 15:00 Hangar visit (incl. lunch) 18:00 Transport from hangar back to the hotel 19:00 Lecture by Jørgen Bue, SAS Captain and A340 instructor 20:00 Dinner at the hotel Friday, May 13 Individual breakfast and check-out 08:30 Departure for the airport 10:20 Departure from Zürich (via Copenhagen) 14:25 Arrival Oslo Technically Responsible for the trip: Off Piste
Fikk svar fra diamantmailen angående Champis: Hej Tak for din mail. Det kan være et event Plus Deal har, SAS har ikke noget arrangement. Du kan kontakte Plus Deal på [email protected] Vil ønske dig en god dag. Med venlig hilsen
Frister litt, og har en ledig slot de dagene. Lurer litt på de to valgene, forskjellen er altså 45.000 poeng for 2000 spenn. Er vel bedre å spare poengene til en CT på *A First en eller annen plass?
Jeg ville nok ha gått for å betale mest mulig med cash ja. Men det er klart, hadde jeg hatt "ubegrensede" mengder med poeng på konto eller poeng som jeg likevel ikke fikk brukt på noe annet så er jo dette noe man kunne svidd de av på.
Zürich, here I come. Har ikke noe fast turnus på jobb, så denne skal jeg vel klare å skvise inn i kalenderen. Registrert!
Ang. Champagnesmaking i Stavanger; iflg Hugo på Eurobonusplusdeal blir dette arrangementet lagt ut i Goodie bag 16 februar. Datoen for arrangementet er visst 9. Mars.