Om det er noen super deal? Du kan kombinere med Lufthansa Singapore og Ana og komme deg komfortabelt til varmen i vinter med grei opptjening. https://youhavebeenupgraded.boardin...-amsterdam-sydney-return-2200-euro-2020-2021/
Men dersom jeg forstår min gamle tysk riktig, så har LH noen dårlige ombookingsvilkår. Rett nok har de fleste gode og fleksible ordninger for de fleste billettene, men her må man betale mellomlegget dersom man vil utsette reisen. Det kan, som nettsiden sier, bli opp mot tusen euro...
...og i dag fikk jeg nye boardingprocedures for ANA. In order to prevent the infection spread of the Novel Coronavirus, we will change our boarding process for all ANA operated international and Japan domestic flights. To avoid close contact and congestion in the cabin and aisles, beginning from June 19(JST), we will give boarding priority to those passengers seated in the rear end of the cabin, and then to those seated in the front of the plane. Although the priority boarding will be temporarily suspended accordingly, dedicated boarding lane(*) for Star Alliance Gold members will be served by your boarding group. * Subject to airport and aircraft The boarding order is as follows. 【Group1】Passengers with rear window seats 【Group2】Passengers with rear middle seats 【Group3】Passengers with rear aisle seats 【Group4】Passengers with front window seats 【Group5】Passengers with front middle seats 【Group6】Passengers with front aisle seats ....så hvis du velger sete aisle sete langt frem: better check your bags - selv med aldri så mye *G