Har en case som ble avslått av SAS.
Tekniske(innsjekking lå nede) problemer på LPA medførte forsinket avgang med ca 90 min. Dette medførte igjen at crew gikk over tilgjengelig tid og flyet måtte mellomlande og alle passasjerene overnatte før samme fly fløy videre neste dag.
Totalt ca 20 timer forsinket hjem.
EU/261 regelverket som jeg er lit usikker her taler til min eller SAS sin fordel.
(14) As under the Montreal Convention, obligations on operating air carriers should be limited or excluded in cases where an event has been caused by extraordinary circumstances which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken. Such circumstances may, in particular, occur in cases of political instability, meteorological conditions incompatible with the operation of the flight concerned, security risks, unexpected flight safety shortcomings and strikes that affect the operation of an operating air carrier.
(15) Extraordinary circumstances should be deemed to exist where the impact of an air traffic management decision in relation to a particular aircraft on a particular day gives rise to a long delay, an overnight delay, or the cancellation of one or more flights by that aircraft, even though all reasonable measures had been taken by the air carrier concerned to avoid the delays or cancellations.
Uavhengig av det over, så er jo det SAS driver mer her rent sjansespill hvis en 90 min delay medfører at crew går utover tjenestetid?
Skal jeg la den gå eller kjempe videre

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