All travellers in a booking are automatically included in the upgrade requqest.
The minimum price will be set by SAS and the bid will be confirmed or denied 36 hours before departure.
It is possible to cancel or change the bid until 48 hours before departure.
There is no sign up or booking fee.
Note: It is still possible to buy an upgrade on intercontinental flights at the airport, on stand by basis only, to a fixed price. This procedure is handled by station staff only.
Upgrade available for passengers holding SK/117-document with a confirmed reservation, on all SK operated flights, including wet lease.
Upgrading combinations:
- From SAS Go to SAS Plus on short haul and long haul flights
- From SAS Go to SAS Business on long haul flights only
- From SAS Plus to SAS Business on long haul flights only
Note: If travelling with children, upgrade possible to SAS Plus and SAS Business.
If travelling with infant, upgrade not possible.
Instant upgrade - Buy now
Instant upgrade is available for short haul flights.
On certain flights the button "Buy now" will be shown from 10 days before departure.
- Instant upgrade has a fixed price
- Instant upgrade will give instant confirmation
- Form of payment: credit card or EuroBonus points
Booking classes
- Short haul: A (SAS Plus)
- Long haul: Z (SAS Business) and A (SAS Plus)
Note: The fare conditions of the original ticket remain unchanged.
Form of payment
- Credit card
- EuroBonus points
Credit card or EuroBonus account will be debited when the upgrade is confirmed.
According to the new service class, e.g.:
- SAS Business check-in
- Fast Track security
- SAS Lounge access
- Priority boarding
- Meal and service according to the new service class
Note: Travelers who have requested a special meal can apply for an upgrade to SAS Plus and SAS Business up to 48 hours before departure.
- EuroBonus points earned according to the new service class, when the bid is confirmed
Note: Not valid for upgrades at the airport.
- Baggage allowance according to the original booking class.
- SAS credits earned according to the original ticket.
Upgrade not accepted for:
- N, G, X and F-class
- Travel Industry discounted fares (booking classes R and N)
- Charter flights
- Passengers travelling with infants
- Passengers travelling with PETC
- Tickets bought in Japan are excluded, due technical and/or legal reasons
Rebooking procedures for passengers with an upgrade, affected by irregularity:
Rebooking to other SK-flight
- If the same booking class as passenger was upgraded to is available - rebook the passenger in the upgraded booking class.
- If the same booking class as passenger was upgraded to is not available - rebook the passenger in the same service class as originally booked and refund the upgrade.
Rebooking to other airline
Rebook the passenger in the same service class as originally booked and refund the upgrade.
Refund of upgrade permitted if flight is cancelled or at version change of aircraft.
Upgrade EMDs to be refunded by the refund department.
No refund for prepaid seat or meal if upgraded.