Slutt på SAS voucher i morgen

Tråd i 'SAS EuroBonus' startet av themichael, 11. okt 2021.

  1. themichael

    themichael Veteran

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    Jeg har ikke lest om det her før og tror det kan være nyttig for noen.

    I all stillhet har SAS endret betingelsene for å kansellere internasjonale reiser mot voucher:

    "(Published 14MAR20 - Updated 11OCT21)

    Please note that this offer is only valid for bookings made October 11, 2021 or earlier.

    We allow customers traveling on an international flight with booking date October 11, 2021 or earlier, to cancel their booking and receive a voucher in the value equivalent to their original booking. The offer is not available on domestic flights."
    tkrunning, Nurse82, mathiasfe and 7 others like this.

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