Accor møter oss på halvveien, i alle fall inntil videre

Tråd i 'Hoteller og bonusprogrammer' startet av funkenstein, 02. april 2020.

  1. funkenstein

    funkenstein Senior Medlem

    Likes mottatt:
    Pr mail i dag:

    "We consider it a privilege to have you as a guest in our hotels and an honour to count you as one of our loyal members of ALL – Accor Live Limitless. We want to show our appreciation by crediting your account with 50% of the necessary Status points and Status nights required to maintain your elite status.

    As a Gold member, we will be crediting your account over the next three weeks with 3,500 Status points and 15 Status nights. Your points balance will reflect this once completed.

    We will continue to monitor government and travel restrictions to ensure our elite qualification criteria remains appropriate."

    Tilbyr altså ikke automatisk forlengelse pt., som andre kjeder har gjort, men kan jo håpe siste setning slår inn, hvis det blir behov for den.
    holmen and drsyk like this.
  2. funkenstein

    funkenstein Senior Medlem

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    Og endelig hadde Accor fått tilstrekkelig tid til å tenke seg om, pr mail idag:

    "• Status Extension: The status you earned in 2019 will be extended to December 31, 2021 allowing you more time to enjoy all the benefits of ALL-Accor Live Limitless.

    • Points Expiration: To provide you ample time to redeem points, the expiration of Rewards points will be paused through December 15, 2020

    Er vel fremdeles ikke fullt så fleksible som andre kjeder, mtp statusforlengelsen, men alle monner drar!
    mariusbb and phileas like this.

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