Ny SAS nettside samme med nytt info om Scandic samarbeidet

Tråd i 'SAS EuroBonus' startet av strikerbird, Mandag kl 05:42.

  1. strikerbird

    strikerbird Medlem

    Likes mottatt:
    God morgen!

    SAS har lansert en betaversjon av sin nye nettside, som etter planen skal lanseres i april 2025. I tillegg er det kommet nye detaljer om deres partnerskap med Scandic Hotels.


    Vennlig hilsen,

    EndreD, Trent600 and afirm like this.
  2. Flyrlavt

    Flyrlavt Veteran

    Likes mottatt:
    Tok ikke lang tid før første feil dukket opp.
    Progresjonen mot status stemmer ikke i det hele tatt, og jeg kommer ikke godt utav det for å si det sånn.

    Edit: Brukerfeil. Gikk opp for meg nå at de har byttet om på det, istedenfor at det står hvor mye man har opptjent så står det nå hvor mye man mangler for neste nivå.
    tobeornot999 and Rapolo like this.
  3. Loffen

    Loffen Medlem

    Likes mottatt:
    Nå er også dette en ulansert beta, det vil forekomme feil og det er helt normalt :) Jeg synes egentlig den er overraskende feilfri.
    Flyrlavt liker dette
  4. Storbaba

    Storbaba Bitt av bonusbasiller..

    Likes mottatt:
    Om noen vi ha norsk versjon finnes den også https://beta.sas.no/
    (En kan bytte mellom de ulike lands versjoner på oppe til høyre).
    Last edited: Mandag kl 08:49
    Kristian and haifinn like this.
  5. Wanderlust

    Wanderlust Senior Medlem

    Likes mottatt:
    Jeg synes noe av det mest interessante er muligheten til å veksle 1 EB til 2 Scandic-poeng. Grei måte å bli kvitt EB hvis man har litt mye, og så vidt jeg kan se har man litt å velge i om man bruker 20.000 Scandic-poeng, altså 10.000 EB per natt.
  6. Jorge

    Jorge Fastboende

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    NordicLane, jonss and holmen like this.
  7. democomputer

    democomputer Senior Medlem

    Likes mottatt:
    Fin side, men klarte ikke se detaljer om Scandic. Hva fant du?

    Se der ja. Men den viktigste infoen mangler fremdeles:)

    tobeornot999 liker dette
  8. mrhaakon

    mrhaakon Senior Medlem

    Likes mottatt:
    Ah, jeg har så savnet denne funksjonen med å se tidligere reiser!
    Dette gjorde dagen min :D
    Shyneno liker dette
  9. Korsvoll

    Korsvoll Nytt Medlem

    Likes mottatt:
    SAS IT Strikes again! ;)
    Kan vel med stor sannsynlighet tolke det her til at Diamond matcher mot True friend, Gold mot Loyal friend, Silver mot Dear friend og Member mot New friend. Ser ut som man muligens beholder statusmatchen og nivået man er matchet til så lenge man har linket kontoene sammen, og at man ved nytt nivå hos en av partene automatisk blir oppgradert hos den andre. Dette er dog hentet fra betasiden og mine egne tolkninger, så ta det med en liten klype salt.
     "scandic": {
        "Scandic": {
          "Intro": {
            "title": "SAS x Scandic",
            "linkedDescription": "Your accounts are linked which means you can enjoy the full advantage of the benefits of our partnership.",
            "unlinkedDescription": "Link your SAS and Scandic accounts to tier match, exchange points between accounts and more.",
            "linkAccountsButtonLabel": "Link accounts",
            "aboutTierMatchLinkLabel": "About tier match"
          "PartnershipInfo": {
            "title": "Friends with Benefits – A SAS and Scandic Hotels Partnership",
            "description": "Two Scandinavian travel leaders, SAS and Scandic Hotels have joined forces to give members like you an even more rewarding travel experience. With exclusive benefits across both programs, from status matching and points transfer to exclusive offers and perks, providing a smoother journey both in the air and on the ground.",
            "readMoreLinkLabel": "Read more about the partnership",
            "readMoreLink": "/eurobonus/partners/hotels/scandic"
          "MatchedTierBenefits": {
            "title": "Your new benefits",
            "allBenefitsLinkText": "See all benefits",
            "scandic_boost_sas": {
              "perks": {
                "diamond": {
                  "tier_name": "Diamond",
                  "perk_1": "Benefits on SkyTeam",
                  "perk_2": "Free rebooking on day of departure",
                  "perk_3": "Free drinks in SAS Go",
                  "perk_4": "No point expiration",
                  "perk_5": "Free Wi-fi onboard",
                  "perk_6": "Priority baggage & boarding",
                  "perk_7": "Guaranteed seat",
                  "perk_8": "Free lounge access"
                "gold": {
                  "tier_name": "Gold",
                  "perk_1": "Benefits on SkyTeam",
                  "perk_2": "Free Wi-fi onboard",
                  "perk_3": "Priority baggage & boarding",
                  "perk_4": "Guaranteed seat",
                  "perk_5": "Free lounge access",
                  "perk_6": "Fast track"
                "silver": {
                  "tier_name": "Silver",
                  "perk_1": "Benefits on SkyTeam",
                  "perk_2": "Priority customer service",
                  "perk_3": "25% more Bonus points when you fly",
                  "perk_4": "10% higher bid for SAS Upgrade",
                  "perk_5": "5% discount on regular trips paid with points"
            "sas_boost_scandic": {
              "perks": {
                "true_friend": {
                  "tier_name": "True friend",
                  "perk_1": "50% earn rate",
                  "perk_2": "48h room guarantee",
                  "perk_3": "Always free breakfast",
                  "perk_4": "15 EUR voucher or 1000 p"
                "loyal_friend": {
                  "tier_name": "Loyal friend",
                  "perk_1": "10 EUR voucher or 650 p",
                  "perk_2": "2-for-1 breakfast",
                  "perk_3": "Free room upgrade when available"
                "dear_friend": {
                  "tier_name": "Dear friend",
                  "perk_1": "25% earn rate",
                  "perk_2": "Early check-in when available",
                  "perk_3": "7.5 EUR voucher or 500 p"
          "exchange_points": {
            "title": "Exchange points",
            "description_part1": "Transfer your Scandic friends points to Eurobonus points! To exchange the other way around, SAS to Scandic, log in to your Scandic account.",
            "description_part2": "Exchange points between programs free of charge.",
            "description_part3": "Converted points will retain their original expiry date with a maximum validity of 12 months. This applies to all tier levels.",
            "exchange_points_button": "Exchange points"
          "dialogs": {
            "tier_match_info": {
              "title": "About tier match",
              "text_part_1": "Tier matching allows you to carry over your status from one loyalty program to another. By linking your accounts, your current tier in one program is matched to an equivalent tier in the partner program, giving you access to that tier level benefits without starting from the bottom.",
              "text_part_2": "If you have a level 1, 2, or 3 status in the Scandic Friends program, it will be matched to level 1 in the SAS loyalty program. You can unlink your accounts at any time. This will stop the tier match and you will no longer have access to the matched benefits from the partner program."
            "exchange_points": {
              "title": "About exchange points",
              "sections": {
                "expiryDate": {
                  "title": "Expiry date",
                  "text": "When you transfer points from Scandic Friends to EuroBonus, the points will keep the same expiry date as they had in Scandic Friends. This applies for all tier levels, meaning that the points you transfer from Scandic Friends will always have an expiry date regardless of your tier level. The maximum expiry date is 12 months."
                "firstInFirstOut": {
                  "title": "First in first out",
                  "text": "You will automatically collect the points with the most soon to expire date. If you transfer points from different points batches with different expiry dates, the different batches will keep their original expiry date."
                "conversionRate": {
                  "title": "Conversion rate",
                  "text": "The conversation rate is 2:1, meaning 2 Scandic Friend points = 1 EuroBonus point."
                "transferringFromEuroBonus": {
                  "title": "Transferring from EuroBonus to Scandic Friends",
                  "text": "You can transfer points from Eurobonus to Scandic Friends from your Scandic friends account, by logging on to Scandic."
                "differenceBetweenPoints": {
                  "title": "Difference between status points and bonus points",
                  "text": "When you transfer points from Scandic Friends to EuroBonus, it’s the bonus points you transfer, meaning you won’t loose or gain any status points by transferring. Bonus points can be used on flights, to upgrade, for lounge and a lot more!"
                "slowTransactions": {
                  "title": "Rare cases of slow transactions",
                  "text": "In rare cases the transaction might take up to 24 hours, if this happens the points will still keep the original expiry date."
          "LinkedAccountInfo": {
            "title": "Unlink accounts",
            "description": "If you no longer wish to link your SAS EuroBonus and Scandic Friends accounts, you can easily disconnect them. Please note that unlinking will end the status matching and you won’t be able to transfer points between the programs. You can link your account again after 24 hours.",
            "unlinkAccountsButtonLabel": "Unlink accounts"
          "TierMatchInfo": {
            "title": "Tier matching",
            "description": "Is your Scandic tier incorrect? Occasionally, the connection with Scandic may not be updated immediately. Donec sed odio dui. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.",
            "tierMatchButtonLabel": "Check for tier upgrade",
            "pendingTierMatchButtonLabel": "Tier match in progress",
            "tierMatchButtonLink": "#"
          "AccountLinkStatusModal": {
            "SUCCESS": {
              "header": "Congratulations!",
              "content": "Since you are a <strong>{scandicTierLevel}</strong>, you have now been matched to <strong>{ebTierLevel}</strong>"
            "WARNING": {
              "header": "Oops!",
              "content": "You are already boosted to your highest available tier level."
            "ERROR": {
              "header": "Your accounts are already linked",
              "content": "We could not connect your accounts since they are already linked. Try doing the following: <ul> <li>Refresh your browser </li>  <li>Log in to your scandic account </li>  <li> if the issue remains contact our customer service at <u>xxx@sas.xx</u></li> </ul>"
            "ONGOING": {
              "header": "You're on your way!",
              "content": "It takes some time to link your memberships. We will send an email to <strong>{userEmail}</strong> when the match is complete"
            "ReturnToProfileButtonLabel": "Go to my profile"
    EndreD, Teknolai, Baldrick and 13 others like this.
  10. tmolvik

    tmolvik Aktivt Medlem

    Likes mottatt:
    Om dette stemmer så synes jeg SAS kommer dårligst ut av det. Diamant hos SAS vil ha en mye høyere verdi enn True Friend hos Scandic, som er et helt ok nivå. Nå er ikke det store forskjellen til Best Friend og antallet diamant er kanskje høyere enn antallet TF/BF (hvorpå sikkert mange flyr SAS allerede), men noe sier meg at det blir trangere i loungene framover enn det blir i frokostsalene til Scandic...
  11. paramberg

    paramberg Veteran

    Likes mottatt:
    Lover bra om man faktisk blir matchet til true friend som diamant medlem. jeg vil nesten tippe at de fleste som er på det nivået hos scandic idag allerede har betydelig med reisedøgn og derav muligens mye reiser med fly allerede.

    Ikke ille med 2 Scandic poeng for 1 EB. Hvis man omregnet det til trumf tilsvarer ca 800 trumf kr for en overnatting med 20k scandic poeng.
    petrate and Preference like this.
  12. The_Dude

    The_Dude Pompøs

    Likes mottatt:
    Finner ikke Partner Award booking. Er det jeg som er blind, eller kanskje man venter på forbedringer / "forbedringer" i backend?
    mrt liker dette

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