Star Alliance: Vil du vinne ein million miles?

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Star Alliance feirar 20 år og vi i den anledning trekke ut 21 personar som vinn ein million miles. Ein vinnar vil bli trekt frå kvart av dei 21 medlemsprogramma.

Konkurransen går fram til 31. juli 2017 og du kan delta her. Vinnaren vert annonsert 28. september.

For å delta må du laste opp ein selfie, i tillegg til eit bilete av ei kulturoppleving. Det er viktig at begge bileta har same orientering, enten landskap eller portrett.


Gevinsten varierar noko utifrå kvar bonusprogram du er medlem av, du finn premien for kvart enkelt program under punkt 15 i vilkåra. For Eurobonus er premien 4 around the world business class-billettar. Desse kan du nytte på alle Star Alliance-selskap billettane kan ha opp til ti segment og opp til seks stopovers.

Her er dei fullstendige vilkåra for SAS-delen:

In relation to the Prize (four SAS Round The World Business Class Tickets) to be credited by the EuroBonus Eligible FFP, redemption is also subject to the following conditions: (a) the SAS Round The World Business Class Tickets can be used on Star Alliance carriers (including SAS Scandinavian Airlines); (b) no more than six  stopovers are allowed in an itinerary booked using an SAS Round The World Business Class Ticket, and no more than ten  segments per ticket; (c) the date of the last flight booked using an SAS Round The World Business Class Ticket must be no later than 36 months after the four SAS Round The World Business Class Tickets have been made available to the Winner, and travel is subject to availability on any dates requested; (d) the SAS Round The World Business Class Tickets are not transferrable to third parties, but travel by up to three Winner’s companion(s) on such tickets is allowed, each such companion using one SAS Round The World Business Class Ticket, on condition that such companion travel is from and to the same cities, and on the same dates, as in the Winner’s itinerary – companion travel on the same flights as the Winner is not guaranteed, is dependent on availability and may not be possible; (e) no SAS Round The World Business Class Ticket reissuances or changes of routing or carriers are permitted after the start of a journey, and; (f) no EuroBonus points will be earned on flights booked with SAS Round The World Business Class Tickets.

Dette er ein kjempepremie, og eg kunne definitivt tenkt meg denne!

Skjermbilete frå konkurransesida


Her er dei fullstendige vilkåra for konkurransen. Du finn i tillegg frequently asked questions her.

Då er det berre å ynskje lukke til!





  1. Drkirst sier

    Liten oppdatering eller oppklaring: Konkurransen gikk bare til 31.07.17 — vinnere blir kåret 28.09.17

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