Overfør LifeMiles med 100% bonus

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Avianca LifeMiles feirer Valentine’s Day med å gi 100% bonus på overføring av miles til familie og venner. 

Nå kan du igjen overføre Avianca LifeMiles med 100% bonus. Det betyr at den du overfører miles til vil motta det dobbelte. Maksimumsbeløpet som kan overføres  er 75 000 LifeMiles, og kostnaden for dette er USD 17,70 per 1 000 miles. Maksimal overføring vil da gi mottakeren 150 000 LifeMiles til en kostnad av USD 1 327,50. Dette tilsvarer litt over 10 000 NOK med dagens kurs. I realiteten har altså 75 000 LifeMiles kostet deg 10 000 kr, og som du kan lese i denne artikkelen, så er det en ganske god deal.

LM xfer jan 15



Noen av fordelene med LifeMiles er at de lar deg bestille kun én vei, for halvparten av en tur/retur-billett. I tillegg kan man også delbetale inntil 60% av turen med penger, dersom man ikke har nok miles på kontoen.

Dette programmet har også noen negative sider, som at hele reisen må bestilles i samme klasse. Det betyr eksempelvis at det ikke er mulig å bestille First Class fra Norge.

Tilbudet gjelder kun frem til 16. februar!

Klikk her for å komme til tilbudet.

Terms and Conditions

  • This promotion is available at LifeMiles.com, Avianca’s Information Centers and Call Center except for Venezuela and Argentina where is only available through LifeMiles.com.
  • This promotion applies between February 2nd and 16th, 2015, as the last date of transfer.
  • Minimum transfer miles: 1,000.
  • Maximum transfer miles per member per calendar year: 75,000.
  • The miles must be transferred in multiples of 1,000.
  • Maximum LifeMiles to receive per member per calendar year: LM 150,000 (including bonuses transfer of promotional miles).
  • Transfer fee for each block of 1,000 LifeMiles: USD $17.70* including taxes for each country**.
  • The amount paid for the miles’ transfer is not refundable.
  • At LifeMiles.com, the purchase can only be done through ENJOY/Transfer LifeMiles Does not apply to the Flexible Redemption (miles + money) during the payment process of air ticket redemption.
  • Form of payment through Call Center and LifeMiles.com: credit card or international debit card.
  • Cash payments are only allowed at Avianca’s Information Centers.
  • The miles transferred and earned with this promotion do not apply to achieve Elite status.
  • The transferred miles, once accrued, can be redeemed according to the conditions specified in the LifeMiles’ Terms and Conditions and portfolio of products and services available for redemption.
  • LifeMiles Terms and Conditions may apply, you can find them at LifeMiles.com.
  • LifeMiles is a trademark of LifeMiles Corp.
  • *For residents in Colombia: The values must be calculated at the TRM rate of the date of transaction.
  • **For residents in Peru: the transfer fee for each block of 1,000 LifeMiles: USD $17.7, S. / 52.22 including taxes.
  • Rate change to January 1st, 2015: S /. 2.95.
  • The final price in Nuevos Soles will be determined don the Exchange rate of the day of the redemption.
  • For the rest of countries, the values must be calculated at the exchange rate of the date of transaction.
  • **The price can be less depending on the country of residence that the member has registered in our data base.

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