Accor Hotels: Få 8 000 bonuspoeng etter 3 opphold

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Bonusprogrammet til Accor Hotels, Le Club, gir sine medlemmer inntil 8 000 bonuspoeng hvis man har tre opphold på et av deres hoteller.

Etter første opphold får man 1 000 bonuspoeng, etter andre opphold får man ytterligere 3 000 poeng, og etter tredje opphold får man 4 000 poeng. Totalt utgjør dette 8 000 poeng, som kan konverteres til 160 Euro. Dette beløpet kan da trekkes fra regningen ved senere opphold.

Kampanjen gjelder for bestillinger innen 15. mars, for opphold innen 31. august.

Klikk på bildet nedenfor for å komme til tilbudet.


Betingelser og vilkår:

1. General Conditions of Use of the Le Club Accorhotels programme apply to the “Receive up to €160 in points” offer.
2. To enjoy this offer, the Le Club Accorhotels loyalty programme member must sign up by clicking on the “Sign up for the offer” button above and then follow the instructions.
3. The offer is only valid once for 3 stays per member during the offer duration, for stays between 23/02/2015 and 31/08/2015 in hotels participating in the Le Club Accorhotels programme, booked between 23/02/2015 and 15/03/2015. Stays cannot be consecutive.
4. The points bonus is calculated based on Classic status, not counting points accelerators.
5. The offer enables Le Club Accorhotels loyalty programme and Accor Advantage Plus members, regardless of their status, to receive up to €160 in points for stays in hotels participating in the Le Club Accorhotels programme throughout the world.
6. 2,000 points are equivalent to €40. Points are converted into euros; amounts indicated in local currency are not legally binding and are subject to change.
7. The stay must be booked online (via or one of our brand websites participating in the Le Club Accorhotels programme), via our mobile applications or by calling the Accor Bookings Centre. Other booking channels are not eligible for this offer.
8. The loyalty card or member card number must be presented when booking and at hotel reception when checking in.
9. Le Club Accorhotels bonus points will be credited onto the member’s account within 28 days following departure from the hotel.
10. Within this offer, a stay is understood as one (1) booking per Le Club Accorhotels Loyalty member, regardless of the number of rooms booked. A booking made by a member for several rooms will only count as one (1) stay.
11. The offer cannot be combined with any other Le Club Accorhotels promotional offers and does not apply to groups.
12. Offer subject to conditions and availability. Sales conditions of reserved public rates specific to each hotel apply.

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